- LEEA (Analytical Electromagnetic Spectrum Laboratory - DP Heads: Daiane Dias, Rodolfo Carapelli, Bruno Meira Soares, 50 m2 of area, EQA): the laboratory focuses on the development of spectroscopic and electrochemical methods for the determination of organic and inorganic compounds in various matrices, as well as solid state characterization studies. The main equipments used in the laboratory are: 909 UV digester (Metrohm), 302 N Potentiostat/Galvanostat (Autolab) with interface (663 Autolab) and VA Stand (Metrohm), Portable Potentiostat (Palm Sens), PGSTAT 204 Potentiostat/Galvanostat (Autolab) with rotating disk electrode, M204 Multi channel Potentiostat/Galvanostat (Autolab) with 2 interfaces (663 Autolab), and 2 663 VA Stand (Metrohm), and 2 other electrochemical modules, polisher, mill, freeze dryer, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, AAnalyst 800). |
- Hydrochemistry Laboratory (DP Head: Carlos Francisco Ferreira de Andrade, 280 m² of area, IO): research activities, extension and provision of services involving chemical analysis of nutrients, trace elements and their isotopes are carried out. Equipment: Zeiss AAS 5 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with Graphite Furnace; 1 Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 600 Atomic Absorption Flame Spectrophotometer; 1 Shimadzu Model AA-7000 Atomic Absorption Flame Spectrophotometer and Graphite Furnace; 1 EG & G PARC 384 B Polarographic Analyzer; 2 Radio Analyzers: RAD–7 and RADEC; 1 GBS 911A UV/VIS Spectrophotometer; 1 Perkin Elmer Lambda 25 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer; 2 Perkin Elmer Hydride Generation Systems; 1 MARCONI MA 415/S BOD Incubator; 1 Microwave Oven for sample preparation (Mars Xpress, version 5); 1 Trox Flh Laminar Flow Cabinet Size 2; 2 Sample Preparation Flow Cabinets; 2 Sartorius A200S Digital Precision Analytical Balance and Kern 410; 2 Vacuum Pumps, DIAPUMP, FANEM Model 089/CAL; 3 pH Meters DIGIMED number 6392 DMPH-PA; 1 Termo Salinometer YSI 30/50 FT; 2 pH analyzers (pH meters); 1 Benchtop Conductivity Meter (DIGIMED DM-31); 1 YSI Pro 30 Handheld Temperature and Conductivity Meter, series 17a105704; 1 Water Distiller; 1 Milli-Q Water Purification System, with a 60 Gallon water tank, 110v, white; 1 Yellow Sprinds Hydrometer Number 3044; 2 METROHM Automatic Pipettes for Dissolved Oxygen and Nitrogene Kjeldhal; 1 Oxygen Probe T.141.440, YSI Portable Multiparameter Water Quality Meter, in black color, pro model, series 17b100009.1 Niskin Bottle for field water collection; 1 rrosette with 24 Go-Flo bottles with Kevlar cable; 1 Fish Sampling System. |
-LARCO (Residues and Contaminants Analysis Laboratory - DP Heads: Fábio Gonçalves and Manoel Leonardo Martins, 35 m2 of area, EQA): laboratory for research involving analysis of organic contaminants in environmental and food samples using chromatographic techniques. The main equipments are: GC-MS, GC-FID, HPLC-DAD, UV-VIS spectrophotometer, Milli-Q water purifier, pH meter, centrifuge, analytical balance, vacuum pump, vortex, ultrasound, sample evaporator, ultra turrax. |
Kolbe Organic Synthesis Laboratory (DP Head: Marcelo Gonçalves Montes D'Oca, 50 m2 of area, EQA): focuses on the synthesis of new compounds of pharmacological and technological interest from fatty acids, common in the chemical industry, castor oil for ricinoleic acid derivatives and lipid extracts of microalgae synthesis. Main equipment: analytical and semi-analytical balances; digital scale; ovens; rotary evaporators; thermostatic baths; heating blankets; vacuum pumps; high vacuum pump; ultrasonic bath; refrigerators; freezers; heating/stirring plates and gas lines (Air and N2). |
LAMALI (Lignocellulosic Materials Laboratory) and Structural Study and Heterocycles Synthesis Center (NESSH) – DP Heads: Paulo Henrique Beck, Alex Fabiani Claro Flores and Visiting Professor Renato Pereira de Melo, 80 m2, EQA): deals with the synthesis of polymeric matter, extraction of by-products of lignocellulosic biomass as well as heterocycles synthesis, heterocycles precursors, trifluoromethyl 1,3 diketones substituted and its coordination with metal cations. Sample preparation for NMR, IR, UV and mass spectrometry analysis are performed, in addition to other qualitative analysis of synthesized materials/substances (melting point, boiling point, chromatography). It has rotary evaporator, magnetic stirrers, melting point apparatus, oven, analytical balance, rotary evaporator. |
Organic Chemistry III Laboratory– DP Head: Vania Rodrigues de Lima, 50 m2 of area, EQA): deals with the production of liposomes, magnetoliposomes and nanocarrier systems by different methods; samples preparation with the specificities for analysis of NMR, FTIR, UV-vis, DLS and zeta, DSC; antioxidant assays such as DPPH, TBARS, FRAP. It has analytical balances, ovens, rotary evaporators, thermostatic bath, distillers, pH meters, vacuum pumps, ultrasound bath, refrigerators, freezers, automatic pipettes, heating/stirring plates, fume hoods, microcentrifuges, vortex type agitator. |
- LSO [Cat ](Catalytic Organic Synthesis Laboratory, DP Head: Gilber Ricardo Rosa,60 m2 of area, EQA): new materials are developed with application in coupling catalysis. It features GC-FID, GC-MS, high-vacuum duct, ultrasound bath, shaker and analytical balance. |
- Organic Synthesis and Nanomaterials Development Laboratory (DP Head: Marcelo de Godoi, 35 m2 of area, EQA): research in the area of organic synthesis, synthesizing organic molecules containing chalcogen through the use of methodologies that support Green Chemistry. It has a water distiller, muffle, air circulating oven, rotary evaporator, oven, refrigerator, scale, water bath, vacuum pump and heating plates.
- Natural Products Research Laboratory (DP Head: Neusa Fernandes de Moura, 55 m2of area, EQA): it deals with extraction and isolation of secondary metabolites. It has spectrophotometer, rotary evaporator, freeze dryer, oven, bath and HPLC.
-LAFQAT(Technological and Applied Physical Chemistry Laboratory – DP Heads: Juliano Rosa de Menezes Vicenti, Felipe Kessler and Tito Roberto Sant'anna Cadaval Junior, 50 m2 of area, EQA): the focus of the laboratory is to obtain new substances and materials, studies of their physical and chemical characteristics, with emphasis on spectroscopic properties and how to enable the application of these new materials. The main equipments of the laboratory are: photochemical reactor with a UV light source (Medium and Low pressure), emission band filter system, gas and temperature control, equipment for water contact angle measurement (WCA), spectrofluorometer with temperature module control for solid samples, chemical reactors with temperature control and condensation system, High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Gel Permeation Chromatography (HPLC - GPC) with a mobile phase in THF or in sterile water, hydraulic press with temperature control (heating and cooling) with a capacity of 15t and an analytical balance.
- Catalysis Laboratory (DP Head: Carla Weber Scheeren, 35 m2 of area, EQA): the laboratory works with the synthesis of metal nanocatalysts, characterization and application in food, biological, environmental and petrochemical areas. Main equipment: analytical balance, rotary evaporator, centrifuge, catalytic reactor.
-LTI(Industrial Technology Laboratory - DP Heads: Tito Roberto Sant'anna Cadaval Junior and Luiz Antônio de Almeida Pinto, 80 m2 of area and it has a drying room annex - 50 m2 - and an analysis room - 20 m2, , EQA): it focuses on the obtainment and physical chemical characterization of new applications for diverse applications. Main equipment: supercritical extraction equipment, reactors for biodiesel production and oil extraction, Jat test, centrifuges, spouted beds, tray dryers, heat pump dryer, fluidized beds, vacuum ovens, texturometer, DSC, Electrospinning, Lite Sizer, UV/Vis Spectrophotometer, Thermostated Agitator, Nitrogen Analyzer, Minolta Colorimeter, Lovibond Colorimeter.
- Atomic Spectrometry Laboratory (DP PPGQTA Head: Bruno Meira Soares): High-Resolution Continuum Source (HR-CS AAS), Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Anton Paar Multiwave, sub-boiling acid distillation system.
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory: Ascend 400 MHz NMR Avance III HD Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer, Bruker.
- Liquid Chromatography Laboratory (DP PPGQTA Head: Ednei Gilberto Primel): Prominence 20-a High-performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet-visible detectors and Refractive Index - HPLC-UV-RID, Shimadzu.
-Gas Chromatography Laboratory (DP PPGQTA Head: Ednei Gilberto Primel):TQ8050 Gas Chromatography–mass Spectrometry – GC-MS/MS with AOC-6000 autosampler, Shimadzu.
- Stable Isotope Analysis Laboratory: Delta V Advantage Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer - IRMS - EA Flash 2000, Thermo Scientific.
-Thermal Analysis Laboratory (DP PPGQTA Head: Felipe Kessler and Marcos Alexandre Gelesky): Thermo Gravitational Analyzer - TGA-50 (Shimadzu), Differential Scanning Calorimeter - DSC-DSC-60 (Shimadzu), Surface Area Analyzer - BET-Gemini VII 2390ª (Micromeritics).
Linked to the Pro-Rectory of Undergraduate Studies (PROGRAD) of FURG, the Libraries System (SiB - http://www.biblioteca.furg.br), is composed of libraries on Rio Grande-RS Campus (Central Library, Sala Verde Judith Cortesão Library, Oceanography Graduate Program Sectoral Library, Academic Health Area Sectoral Library and Oceanographic Museum Library) on Santa Vitória do Palmar Campus, on Santo Antônio Da Patrulha Campus and on São Lourenço do Sul Campus, all available to the university community. SiB provides several services such as local search of the works in the library collection (open collection, allowing people to use the books from the collection), home electronic lending service, interlibrary lending service, reference service (individual treatment is provided to the user by a librarian or an intern), Journals exchange (National and International), training of users and visitations (by appointment made by professors), switching of publications with other institutions (National and International), selective dissemination of information (transfer though pertinent information e-mail to the various sectors of the institution), Capes Journal Portal (training to groups of users according to areas of expertise and individual support) bibliographic surveys, Braille collection, Digital Electronic Theses and Dissertations Library (BDTD), partial and curricular internships supervision to students of Library Science, catalographic cards making, aiding in documents standardization (according to ABNT Reference Guides), online access to ABNT Norms, through GedWeb platform, luggage storage and wi-fi connection. In relation to Data base, SiB has the following ones: ARGO – SiB libraries management system. It has a catalog of all available materials to its users. Available at: <https://argo.furg.br/>; Theses and Dissertations Digital Library (BDTD) – base of Dissertations and Theses produced at FURG. Available at: <https://argo.furg.br/?BDTD>; E-books by Springer publisher, dot.lib base– e-books, related to the 2008 catalog, in one of the following areas: Architecture, Art and Design, Behavioral Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Biology, Business, Chemistry and Materials Science, Computer Science, Environmental and Earth Science, Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, Mathematics and Statistics, Medicine, Physics and Astronomy, Professional Computing and Web Design. Available at: <http://furg.dotlib.com.br/>; ABNT Norms – SiB has a current signature of 479 standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), ABNT ISO and MERCOSUL, and through the gedweb platform, the enrolled user can access these standards, digitally, remotely, or consult them, in printed format, in the libraries of SiB. Available at: <http://www.biblioteca.furg.br/index.php/pt/abnt>; CAPES Journals Portal – via FURG computers or remotely, via Federated Academic Community ( CAFe), FURG users will be able to have full access to the portal data bases. Available at: <http://www.periodicos.capes.gov.br/>; and Revista dos Tribunais online – periodicals na. Available at: <https://servicos.furg.br/servicos/periodicosrt>. The Library System collection consists of a total of 81,164 works, 239,897 copies of books – 60,273 works in 150,442 copies, and periodicals, 4,418 titles, in 68,158 copies. Regarding the fields of study, the books are distributed as follows: Agricultural Sciences (1070 works and 2200 copies); Biological Sciences (5291 works 12155 copies), Health Sciences (3790 works 10259 units), Exact and Earth Sciences (5765 works and 20292 copies), Social Sciences (14779 works and 35236 copies), Applied Social Sciences (13547 works and 32599 copies), Engineering (2749 works and 8854 copies), Linguistics, Literature and Arts (10824 works and 24459 copies) Multidisciplinary (357 works and 912 copies). For accessibility purposes, DOS-VOX is installed in all SiB computers. It is a free software, developed by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), which performs the audio description of sites, facilitating access for blind or visually impaired users. In addition, in all libraries, a kit is available with a beehive keyboard, a mouse with pressure trigger - for users with motor disabilities and electronic magnifier - for users with visual impairment. Currently, the Library system has 37 Administrative Technicians in Education and 26 of them are librarians. In addition, there are 26 extracurricular interns, 1 scholarship holder and a team of outsourced personnel (doorkeepers and cleaners).
Futhermore, professors and students have access to both Integrated Analysis Center and South Region Microscopy Center laboratories and equipment.