Palestra - Selenium Analogs of Proteins and Nucleosides

O PPGQTA convida todos a assistirem a palestra do Prof. Dr. Michio Iwaoka, intitulada “Selenium Analogs of Proteins and Nucleosides”, que faz parte do processo de internacionalização do Programa, a realizar-se no dia 22 de novembro de 2022, terça-feira, às 14h, no auditório da EQA. Essa palestra está sendo realizada em parceria com o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química (PPGQ-UFPel) e Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioquímica, Bioprospecção (PPGBBio-UFPel).

Resumo da Palestra:

Chalcogen analogues, which are synthetic derivatives of natural proteins or nuclei acids with a substitutions of sulfur (S), selenium (Se) or tellurium (Te) at any specific positions, show unique biological activities, which are significantly different from the original biomolecules, thus stimulating our interest and anticipating various applications. In this lecture, recent advances in the chemical synthesis of selenium analogs of proteins and nucleosides as well as the assessments of unique biological properties are focused, exemplifying our recent achievements. 
