PPGQTA convida para " Ciclo de Palestras" - Profº Drº Alexis Gilbert

Nos dias 26/07 (10hs) e 02/08 (14hs), o PPGQTA tem a honra de receber o Prof. Dr. Alexis Gilbert. O Prof. Alexis é francês e atualmente atua no Department Tokyo Tech, no Japão. A palestra intitulada "Recent developments and applications in stable isotope analysis" irá ocorrer no Auditório da Escola de Química e Alimentos e no Auditório do Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Física da FURG.

Abstract: Stable isotopes of light elements (C, H, O, N, S) have been used for decades in diverse fields such as forensics, ecology, environmental chemistry or food authentication. The past decade has seen a bloom in new methods, namely, intramolecular isotope analysis, allowing to trace the origin and history of organic molecules at an unprecedented level. This lecture will address the basics of isotope science and its applications, with a particular focus on the recent analytical developments.